Cost Management and Allocation

Understand your final landed cost

Don’t let unknown or surprise cost categories tank your margins. Use Loop’s precise cost data to find insights that boost your P&L.

Don’t be fooled by forecasts or averages

Drill your costs data down to a product, customer, package, unit, or lane level.

Centralize supply chain and spend data

Unify shipment and spend data from any source or format for complete visibility.

Allocate costs

Assign costs down to a line-item level across products, customers, packages, units, or lanes level.

Forecast accurately

Make forecasts and plans based on comprehensive and audited spend data, not ballpark averages.

Analyze performance 

Access self-serve cost analysis to make the most of each dollar spent. 

Centralize supply chain and spend data

You can’t understand your true cost-to-serve if you don’t have great financial data. Too often teams spend more time cleaning data, than analyzing data.

Loop's logistics-AI seamlessly standardizes all of your data so you can accurately calculate your cost-to-serve and understand how it impacts profitability.

Allocate costs

Stop guessing where your money is going. AP teams suffer from high complexity and low standardization with supply chain data so they often resort to best guesses or averages.

Loop lets you move on from the tedious tasks and accidental errors of manual cost allocation. Our logistics-AI automates cost allocation across GL codes, customers, lanes, and products. So you can make the most of your dollars spent.

Forecast accurately

Don't base decisions on plans. Ground your choices in reality. Accurate audits are crucial for cost management and future forecasting. Your transportation, finance, and executive teams need to precisely monitor and measure your landed costs so you can appropriately model and manage your P&L.

Analyze performance

Don’t set it and forget when it comes to your cost management. Best in class teams proactively manage their spend. 

Empower your teams to be analysts, not processors with Loop’s self-serve cost analysis. Get out-of-the-box reports and dashboards that you can segment by multiple cost dimensions across your carriers, customers, and products.

Proactively manage your transportation spend

Cost management isn’t done quarterly or annually, it’s a daily practice.

Data standardization

Contextualize, categorize, and standardize each data point to get complete visibility.

Cost allocation

Track costs at line-item level and in aggregate across shipment, lane, carrier, accessorial, and SKUs, then assign cost codes as needed.

Self-serve analytics

Give everyone access to transportation and financial data.

Cost analysis

Track cost at a line-item level and in aggregate across shipment, lane, carrier, accessorial, and SKUs.

Freight and parcel audit

Execute document, service, and rate audits to ensure you can accurately validate all charges.

Contract analysis

Understand your effective discount percentage, contracted versus effective discounts, the percentage of accessorials without a discount, and more.

Lane analysis

Monitor your lane performance, identify lanes with multiple shippers, and track your price variance per lane.

Scenario planning

Out-of-the-box analyses across your modes ensure right carrier/discounts for the right lane, volume, region, right service type

F500 D2C pharma company identifies $3.1M in savings with Loop

Improving supply chain and financial data unlocks meaningful cost savings.

in parcel savings
in savings by switching service levels from FedEx to UPS
in unnecessary losses
instances of incorrect rates

Is your cost management in the 1980s, 2000s, or 2020s?

Today’s transportation and finance teams deal with more challenges than ever yet they are STILL trying to manage their spend the same way they did 30+ years ago.

(est. 2021)
Digital Transformation Software
(est. 2000s)
Services Providers
(est. 1980s)
Data ingestion
AI-driven extraction + APIs
Outsource resources
Data integrations (PowerBI Snowflake, Bigquery)
Centralized supply chain and spend data
Cost allocation
Per request
With charge
Cost analysis
Multiple modes
Contract analysis
Lane analysis
Scenario planning

Improve supply chain and spend management to understand costs and boost profitability.

Hear from our customers how Loop has improved their cost management & allocation.

F500 D2C Pharmaceutical Company

“Limited data and analytics made it hard to find anomalies and resolution. With Loop we have access to a great baseline of data to understand our shipment costs at all levels. We’ve found ways to reduce our cost to serve.”


F500 D2C Pharmaceutical Company

“Loop identified $2.4M in savings opportunities from shifting from FedEx to UPS for just one quarter.”


F500 D2C Pharmaceutical Company

“With Loop, we get great data that automates workflows and powers insights. With access to self-serve data that’s both granular and big-picture, we know where and how to boost margin. Moreover, we’re able to scenario plan effectively, resulting in a reduction in overall cost to serve.”


Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to get live on Loop? Does it easily integrate into other existing systems?
Can we send Loop PDFs or other document formats? From any source?
Can Loop do our GL coding?
Can Loop link data from a shipment without unique IDs?
Are Loops reports / dashboard customizable?

Unlock profit trapped in your supply chain.

Chat with our team of supply chain and automation experts to get started today.

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