MARGIN Intelligence

Improve your margin management

Are you making strategic business decisions with partial margin insights? Power your AR and AP decisions with high-quality shipment and invoice data. Improve your financial operations and decision quality so you can reduce your cost-to-serve.

Improve your cost-to-serve

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Understand your true cost to serve, uncover insights to drive more business, and ensure carrier and customer compliance.

Unify all carrier and customer data

Centralize all shipment & spend data from any format and source into one system.

Transform your data

Categorize, extract, standardize, and link data across your network with logistics-AI.

Monitor carrier performance

Understand how well your carrier network complies with you and your shippers' invoicing compliance to address billing and payment bottlenecks.

Uncover customer insights

Find where your customers are wasting money so you can help them lower their costs and book more business with you.

Unify all carrier and customer data

Leave disconnected data in the dust. Give your teams the context they need to make great decisions by centralizing AP, AR, customer, and carrier data in one platform.

Simply forward an email or use our API integrations to share data in any form, from any source. Empower your teams to improve decision quality by understanding the complete context of a load, customer, carrier, lane, mode, etc.

Transform your data

Working with thousands of carriers creates data formatting and management nightmares.

Simplify document translation, categorization, extraction, and linking with logistics-AI. Our configurable models and customer success team ensure accurate data extraction 100% of the time. So you have the data you need to automate your financial operations and uncover insights.

Monitor carrier performance

Carriers are crucial but their processes can drain your margin and strain your operations. 

Loop’s centralized invoice and shipment data helps you improve invoice accuracy to accelerate processes. Understand how well your carrier network complies with you and your shippers' invoicing compliance to address billing and payment bottlenecks.

Uncover customer insights

Cost cutting is not enough. To grow, you need to expand your customer relationships. Leverage Loop’s insights to consult your customers on how to optimize their operations and spend so they book more volume with you. 

Loop's self-serve analytics uncover shipper insights, allowing you to offer personalized recommendations that drive results...without needing an expensive data science team.

Improve your margin management

Understand your value delivery across all your loads and their nuances (lanes, modes, timelines, etc). So you can uncover insights that help you book more business and reduce your cost-to-serve.

Easy integrations

Connect your carrier portals, transportation management systems and enterprise resource planning platforms to Loop.

Data categorization

Identify each document type to validate it and ensure compliance.

AI-driven extraction

Configure your extraction and validate with human oversight to ensure accuracy.

Data standardization

Standardize data from every carrier across location, customers, service levels, or how they detail line-items.

Data linking

Link all shipment data across carriers and docs to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Cost analysis

Track cost at line-item level and in aggregate across shipment, lane, carrier, and accessorial to understand true cost to serve for different shipments.

Carrier scorecard

See carriers’ performance on spend, volume, accessorials, accuracy, over charge rate, services, etc. Track document and rate noncompliance on an invoice and shipment level.

Quick pay payments

Unlock meaningful margin on every quick pay payment.

Loop boosts 3PL+ productivity by 50%

With Loop, workflow automation improved accuracy and productivity which boosts their margin.

AR invoices automatically approved and executed.
In discrepancies identified, rejected, and resolved.
Decrease in invoices with issues
to retrieve documents, categorize, audit, and approve an invoice

Is your margin management stuck in the 1980s, 2000s, or 2020s?

Today’s transportation and finance teams deal with more challenges than ever yet they are STILL managing their margin the same way they did 30+ years ago.

(est. 2021)
Digital Transformation Software
(est. 2000s)
Services Providers
(est. 1980s)
Easy integrations
API & EDI parsing
Data categorization
Data standardization
Data linking
Cost Analysis
Carrier insights
Carrier scorecard
SOC-II Type 2 security

Boost margin by understanding your true cost to serve

Hear from our customers what Loop’s level of spend intelligence unlocks for their business. 


“Loops logistics-AI has upleveled our document and data management by 10x.”

Jane Lacerda Cavalcante

Senior Product Manager



“We now have usable and understandable shipment and spend data in one platform. Where we used to spend countless hours finding documents and still not being able to use the un-extracted data.”

Jane Lacerda Cavalcante

Senior Product Manager



“With data from Loop we understand our CTS in ways that we haven’t before. We’ve been able to make key decisions that drive down our DSO to one day and drive upsells to our customers.”

Jane Lacerda Cavalcante

Senior Product Manager



“Loop's advanced technology and AI-driven workflows helped to streamline our AP processes. As a result, we’ve reduced BPO costs by 60% and also found $1.3M in discrepancies, enabling us to reinvest in growth and innovation.”

Jane Lacerda Cavalcante

Senior Product Manager


Frequently asked questions

At what level are Loop’s data insights?
How does loop get these insights?
What can I do with this data?
How can I track cost to serve with this data?
Can I configure controls on who has access to what data?

Unlock profit trapped in your supply chain.

Chat with our team of supply chain and automation experts to get started today.

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Unlock the profit trapped in your supply chain

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